★ Galileo 360° - Ranking XXL - The 100 most spectacular stories in the world

Galileo 360° - Ranking XXL - The 100 most spectacular stories in the world

"Galileo 360°" invites viewers to discover the world anew and offers gripping knowledge, surprising facts and fascinating images on a topic. Today's show bundles the 100 most spectacular stories in the world.

Galileo 360° Ranking XXL" takes a very special trip around the world: In Tultepec, Mexico, the most extreme street festival in the world is taking place. Huge cardboard bulls equipped with countless fireworks race through the small town - a life-threatening spectacle. In Nepal, there is a young girl who can smell colors. And in Java, people climb into the crater of an active volcano in search of a bit of luck.

Broadcasting on 02nd of January 2022 at 09.30am on ProSieben

Music: POPVIRUS Library