★ Goodbye Germany! - Leonie and Patrick Naumann Bali

Goodbye Germany! - Leonie and Patrick Naumann Bali

"Goodbye Germany" emigrant Patrick Naumann was convicted of drug smuggling, initially even sentenced to the death penalty. Now, after spending time in prison under unimaginable conditions, he is finally free - at least on parole. In the video, we show Patrick enjoying his new-found freedom with a warm shower. But that doesn't mean he's at peace with everything.

Patrick's daughter Leonie has only had sporadic contact with her father over the years. She is relieved that he is still alive after more than nine years in prison due to the catastrophic conditions in prison. She flies to Bali to see her father again after more than 15 years and to be there for the big moment when he is released from the notorious Bangli prison.

It's understandable that Patrick immediately seeks the comforts of civilisation. He visits his daughter at the hotel and is of course allowed to use the hot shower there. Leonie witnesses him fervently belting out "My Way" in the shower. Patrick has probably been dreaming of this for some time.

Broadcasting on 12th of August 2024 at 08.15pm on VOX

Music: POPVIRUS Library