★ SAT.1 Akte

SAT.1 Akte

Akte" is a weekly magazine that has been produced since 1995 and deals predominantly with consumer protection topics.

For example, it warns against fraudulent companies and business practices, exposes tricks used by crooks, puts products and service providers through their paces and presents best lists of new innovative products. Viewers can contact the editorial team directly if they have been the victim of a scam or want to warn other viewers. The programme is one of the longest-serving magazines on private television.

Tonight at 10:25 pm on SAT.1: Despite inflation, teleshopping is booming! We asked ourselves: How can that be? We take a look behind the scenes and talk to teleshopping stars and experts.

Broadcasting on 27th of October 2022 at 10.25pm on Sat.1

Music: POPVIRUS Library