★ Simple and delicious - Cooking with Björn Freitag

Simple and delicious - Cooking with Björn Freitag - The best from the south

The best from the south Björn Freitag cooks his way from north to south, from east to west + invites you to a culinary short holiday at the cooker. For this season of "Einfach und köstlich" (Simple and Delicious), he has looked to all four points of the compass for inspiration - from simple and authentic dishes to which he gives a very personal touch. Top chef Björn Freitag has collected his cooking ideas on his travels through North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe and put the best into the cooking pot! Today the best recipes from the south are on the menu! Let's start with crispy fennel and orange salad. Then polenta is refined with gorgonzola and ratatouille. The main course is Wiener schnitzel with warm potato salad. And the dessert is a sheet cake - a Zwetschgendatschi.

Björn Freitag reveals many a secret of his cooking and always has practical tips that make "cooking life" easier. The basis of his recipes is a list of common foods that practically everyone has at home. But he wouldn't be Björn Freitag if he didn't bring a few more refined ingredients into the kitchens. In addition, organic gardener Gregor Keller from Datteln gets in touch via the internet. For more than ten years, our "herb man" has been passionately cultivating not only kitchen herbs, but also edible wild herbs and many medicinal plants.

Broadcasting on 22th of October 2022 at 05.15pm on WDR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library