★ stern TV - When violence against women ends fatally

stern TV - When violence against women ends fatally

Every day there is a police-registered attempted homicide of a woman in Germany. Every third day, a woman dies at the hands of her partner or ex-partner, according to a study by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Nevertheless, the number of unreported cases is high, because men's violence against women often remains hidden. Many women are afraid to go to the police because they fear that no one will believe them.

Violence in the name of honour?

Violence in the name of honour is understood to be violent acts that perpetrators justify by wanting to maintain or restore the "family honour". This form of violence often begins with emotional pressure and blackmail. However, it can also take on forms of physical and sexualised violence, up to and including forced marriage + killings, which are referred to as "honour killings". Honour killings refer to the planned killing of a mostly female family member by a male relative in order to restore the "respectability" of the family.

Violence in the name of honour is usually practised in strongly patriarchally structured families + societies and can occur in all social classes.

Broadcasting on 12th of October 2022 at 10.35pm on RTL

Music: POPVIRUS Library