★ The Reimanns - An extraordinary life The Reimanns in relocation stress

The Reimanns - An extraordinary life The Reimanns in relocation stress

For Germany's most famous emigrant family, the Reimanns, all signs point to a move: after eleven years in Texas, Konny and Manu dare to make a fresh start in Hawaii. But before the suitcases can be packed, Konny Island first has to be brought up to scratch. Master craftsman Konny gives everything to finally finish his lighthouse house. And it's high time, because the first interested parties have already registered. Will the Reimanns be able to sell their beloved property so quickly? The next step is to close Konny's karate school and Manu's children's store so that nothing stands in the way of a move to Hawaii. The closure brings tears to the otherwise brave emigrant's eyes, as the store was her greatest dream.

Broadcasting on 04th of January 2022 at 02.10pm on RTL2

Music: POPVIRUS Library