★ Tricks of the food industry - Pfanni, Knorr, Langnese

Tricks of the food industry - Pfanni, Knorr, Langnese

Pfanni, Langnese and Knorr are produced by the giant Unilever. Sebastian Lege uncovers the tricks of the corporation. Unilever is behind much more food than we all think.

Pfanni potato dumplings consist only to a small extent of potatoes. Langnese ice cream contains hardly any milk. And Knorr broths make do with practically no beef. Product developer Sebastian Lege shows how the manufacturer Unilever tricks recipes.

Unilever is a giant in the food industry; by its own account, it is the world's largest ice cream manufacturer. But the company also produces detergents and soaps. So how good is Unilever's food?

Sebastian Lege examines numerous Unilever products and reconstructs them in his workshop. The product developer shows how the company produces its food. He reveals where good ingredients have been replaced by cheap ones. Knorr products, for example, exploit a legal loophole: Because it is not specified how much meat must be in a beef broth, only a very small amount is found in numerous products.

The documentary lets experts have their say and gives a glimpse behind the scenes of the food industry. Because many of the tricks of the corporations are no longer transparent without expert help.

Broadcasting on 15th of February 2022 at 08.15pm on ZDF

Music: POPVIRUS Library