★ Welcome in Nachhalting

Welcome in Nachhalting

 Under the title "Welcome to Nachhalting," citizens of the municipality of Mering try to live particularly sustainably for one month in order to achieve a common goal: to produce as little plastic waste as possible in four weeks.

With a special TV experiment, Bayerischer Rundfunk is bringing the topics of sustainability and environmental awareness to television in an informative and entertaining way. Under the title "Welcome to Nachhalting," citizens of the Swabian community of Mering near Augsburg try to live particularly sustainably for one month in order to achieve a common goal: to produce as little plastic waste as possible in four weeks.

There are five members of the Krüger family - and together they produce over ten kilograms of packaging waste per month. They want to greatly reduce this amount. But where do you start? It's a matter of shaking off old habits and venturing into new, environmentally friendly alternatives. The first purchase in an unpackaged store is a real challenge. But from week to week, the Krügers realize that they are on the right track.

And if anyone in Mering is not yet on the right, plastic-saving path - there's a solution for that, too. Eight children and young people have volunteered to be trained as "plastic rangers". They are to assist the people of Mering with tips and tricks. They don't even stop at the mayor. When they look in his refrigerator, they can hardly believe their eyes ...

The local butcher's shop Reich has a lunch menu that most customers order to go. Unfortunately, the packaging is anything but sustainable: it is made of Styrofoam. Master butcher Alexander + his mother Kathrin would like to offer a reusable deposit system, but meet with rejection from the clientele. Don't the people of Mering want reusable lunches? Despite initial difficulties, Alexander and Kathrin do not want to give up.

Not only food, but also hygiene products are often packaged in plastic. And the whole bathroom is full of them! What would personal hygiene look like if you did without all that? The soccer players of SV Mering thought they would have to test this out and, in the service of sustainability, agreed to take a plastic-free shower - with all their might. In the process, they also found out that beer is not just for drinking.

Families, pupils + students, companies, alliances, clubs - Mering tackles it + tries to save as much plastic as possible during the four weeks.

"Welcome to Nachhalting" is not only dedicated to the topics of sustainability + environmental awareness in terms of content, but also in terms of production, more environmentally friendly and resource-saving filming conditions were ensured. This makes the format the first "Green Production" of BR's Entertainment + Home program area.

Broadcasting on 14th of November 2022 at 08.15pm on BR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library