★ Wool for future - Old threads spun anew

Wool for future - Old threads spun anew

he rough-wooled or - as Marco says - the "gray-wooled" Pomeranian Landschaf is a robust very old breed of land sheep that almost fell into oblivion. The rough-wooled Pomeranian Landschaf is a robust very old land sheep breed that almost fell into oblivion. In all this, his young start-up could urgently use support from the district of Nordwestmecklenburg. Instead, however, a demand for the processing of the preliminary building application flutters into his house without comment for the allegedly premature start of construction in his huge barn: almost 26,000 euros! Actually, he had thought that he could reach his goal as an average consumer with a high school diploma and common sense. But there a naive desire was probably father of the thought. Marco needs a lawyer. Will he get things moving?

At least Marco can get back to his real job, his mission: to boost regional added value and make the rough wool of the Pomeranian sheep presentable. Because that's the stuff from which he draws his energy.

Broadcasting on 02nd of February 2021 at 11.30am + on 31st of January 2022 at 06.15pm on NDR/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library