★ ZDF Neo Day X - My Life After

ZDF Neo Day X - My Life After - Stalking and Rent Fraud

The first episode of "Tag X - Mein Leben danach" (Day X - My Life Afterwards) is about stalking, a crime that is increasingly becoming the focus of attention + especially affects women, and about the perfidious scams of rent scammers, to whom more and more apartment seekers are falling victim. Stalking 33-year-old Christine D. from Garmisch-Patenkirchen has been harassed, threatened + stalked for years by her ex-boyfriend + the father of her child. How can you stop a stalker? The prevention expert Dirk Heinrichs clarifies and also helps Christine with legal questions. Rent scams Time and again, scammers lure their victims with false apartment ads. Student Victoria (22) fell for an ad on the Internet. Coach Dirk Heinrichs shows how to distinguish real from fake ads + what to look out for on real estate portals.

Broadcasting on 18th of February 2021 at 04.00am on ZDF Neo/ZDF

Music: POPVIRUS Library